Monday, March 9, 2009

"4 Ideas of Worship"

Let me just say at the beginning of this blog, that I am tired of all of the complaining about worship that is done by either myself or others. There is way too much time and energy given to critiquing the song leader and song selection, critiquing the preacher and the sermon, getting started and ending on time, and making sure everything is done "decently and orderly", etc, etc, etc. So w/ that, I am done.

However, I am going to focus on Ike Graul's "4 Ideas of Worship". Ike presented this/reminded me of this at a youth rally and I'd like to throw it out there for you.

1) You never know who might be listening- so sing like you mean it.
This is true b/c you might not always know what the person sitting next, in front, or behind you is going through. Maybe they woke up in a bad mood. Maybe they got in a fight w/ a friend or a parent. Maybe they are distant from God. Maybe they don't even want to be in church.
That said, you might be the one to encourage them. You might be the example they see as having joy in Christ. So sing out b/c you don't know who is listening.

2) You always know who is listening- God.
Ok, so this is pretty straight forward. If you don't know think anyone cares if you sing or not you are wrong. Don't think that it's ok for you not to sing b/c you don't know the song or like the song. Don't think that its ok for you not to sing b/c someone starts clapping or raise their hands. Don't think that its ok for you not to sing b/c a song is off key, too fast, too slow, or you don't like the words.
Worship is not about you! Its about God. He is the audience and he is listening. So when you think no one is listening, remember that God is.

3) God gave you the voice He wants you to sing w/.
Let's face it, not all of us can sing like Alicia Keys or Justin Timberlake (might not be your favorite artists but you have to admit they've got skills). But that shouldn't keep us from singing out like we are driving alone in the car, listening to the radio, and singing our faces off. And you know you do this!
There was actually a show on VH1 called "Motor Mouth" where secret cameras were put in cars to record people singing. Now the people being recorded were set up by their friends as a joke and you can imagine how embarassing they felt when they found out. Perhaps this is a bit cruel but for those who were watching it was hilarious. But it clarifies my point that when we are in the car we sing our hearts out. And it doesn't matter if we can sing really good or really bad we just sing.
The same aught to be true for worship. God gave us a voice to sing w/, so we aught to use it to sing to Him.

4) God never asks to make beautiful music but always asks us "sing joyfully" (Ps. 33:1).
Now I am sure we can look back into a study of music and see how music has evolved over the years. And how in the middle ages it was more of a chantting style of singing but now today it is, well, amazing w/ all of the different genres. But the point isn't for us to make beautiful music and keep evolving it into something that is perfect. The point is "sing joyfully" no matter what it sounds like.
There are some who know a lot about all of the mechanics of music but can't carry a note. And there are some who don't know anything about music but have the ability to sing anything.
So the point is when we come together its not about perfect pitch or tempo, its about singing w/ joy no matter what the song is or how its lead.

I end w/ this question: If a nonbeliever (i.e. someone who doesn't know anything about us, Jesus, God, the church, etc) walked into to our building and worshipped w/ us, would they know by our worship, that we are a joyful people blessed by God? If we answer, "No" to this, then perhaps we need to stop complaining, consider these "4 Ideas of Worship" and direct our worship to God, w/ thankful and joyful hearts.


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